The story behind the most degen experiment on the Solana Chain…

14th of May 2024 - At the Cannes Film Festival I met with a film producer from South Africa who knew some people.

One week later - I was landing in South Africa… I met with several sanctuaries until we were lucky enough to have met with Clint from CROW. He showed us the sanctuary, and their rehabilitation process, and we knew it was the one.

We bought livestream cameras twice (the monkeys broke the first one), a laptop, laid down wifi cables to connect everything, and within 2 weeks, we had a livestream up and running.

4th of January 2024 - The idea of Finkey started with a late night family dinner, when we started to talk about a Forbes article that came out which showed that statistically monkeys out-trade professional portfolio managers.

This led to the idea, what if we bought a monkey, and have him trade memecoins, and created a memecoin around this monkey.

Quickly ideas were flowing, and we had sorted the most degen tokenomics, the profits from the monkey trading are used to buy and burn the supply, and the losses are covered by the monkey selling his supply.

3 Months Later - We were soon done developing the app for the voting & the monkey trading, we had a website and everything ready, except for a monkey… Every sanctuary we talked to, was either too afraid to be associated with a crypto project, or unethical, and wasn’t going to use the funds for any good, until…

11th of June - And soon enough, we had captured on camera, the first ever trade done by a monkey.

Go to 7m20s to see the first trade ever placed by a monkey, and watch the end of the of the video, to see live footage of the monkey breaking the camera.

To be continued…